An Eager-to-learn Young Programmer

Meet Ravindra wiguna

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My Bio

Name           : Putu Ravindra Wiguna
Address       : Sambangan, Sukasada, Kab. Buleleng, Bali
Hometown   : Singaraja, Buleleng, Bali
Contact        : 082235070664

Future Goal

As for now, I haven't yet put much thought into it, but I think it would be cool to continue my study for my master degree in MIT and become an AI Overlord hehe (read: someone that really into AI, becoming an expert, and do research on the field)

I do however want to pursue Data Scientist-Analyst-Engineer Path (I haven't decided yet, so why not learn all while we can :D) so I must learn stuff like Python, R, SQL, etc and libraries that help me work with data such as (for python) pandas, numpy, matplotlib, etc.